
Days of the week in Lao: A complete guide

Learn the days of the week to use every time you make plans, book a hotel, or even just chat about your weekend with your friends and family.

In this guide, we'll break down everything you need to know about Lao days of the week in simple, practical terms.


Days of the Week in Lao

In Lao, every day of the week starts with "ວັນ" (van), which means "day" - similar to how we use "-day" in English (Mon-day, Tues-day, Wednes-day). Here's the complete list:

Days of the week in EnglishDays of the week in Lao
Mondayວັນຈັນ van chan
Tuesdayວັນອັງຄານ van angkhaan or ວັນຄານ van khaan
Wednesdayວັນພຸດ van phood
Thursdayວັນພະຫັດ van phahad
Fridayວັນສຸກ van sook
Saturdayວັນເສົາ van sao
Sundayວັນອາທິດ van aathid or ວັນທິດ van thid

The Deeper Meaning: Days and Their Solar System Connections

Each day in Lao has a special connection to a part of our solar system (like the sun, moon, and planets). When we remove "ວັນ van," some days have extra meanings too:

Days of the week in EnglishSolar systemOther meaning
MondayMoon - ດວງຈັນ dooang chanMoon - ຈັນ chan
TuesdayMars - ດາວອັງຄານ daao angkhaan-
WednesdayMercury - ດາວພຸດ daao phoodBuddhist - ພຸດ phood
ThursdayJupiter - ດາວພະຫັດ daao phahad-
FridayVenus - ດາວສຸກ daao sookHappiness - ສຸກ sook
SaturdaySaturn - ດາວເສົາ daao sao-
SundaySun - ດວງອາທິດ dooang aathidSun, week - ອາທິດ aathid

Key vocabulary

  • Sphere - ດວງ dooang
  • Star - ດາວ daao

Buddhist Beliefs and Birth Days

In Lao culture, the day of the week you were born on holds special significance, especially if you follow Buddhist teachings or believe in astrology. According to these beliefs, each person carries merit and karma from their past lives into their present and future lives. This connects deeply with both Buddhist traditions and astrological beliefs.

While there's much more to explore about this topic, here's the basics of what your birth day can represent, including the Buddha postures:


For those born on...ColorLucky dayUnlucky day
Monday - ວັນຈັນ van chan💛 YellowSaturdaySunday
Tuesday - ວັນອັງຄານ van angkhaan or ວັນຄານ van khaan🩷 PinkThursdayMonday
Wednesday - ວັນພຸດ van phood💚 GreenWednesdayTuesday
Thursday - ວັນພະຫັດ van phahad🧡 OrangeSundaySaturday
Friday - ວັນສຸກ van sook💙 BlueTuesdayWednesday
Saturday - ວັນເສົາ van sao💜 PurpleFridayWednesday
Sunday - ວັນອາທິດ van aathid or ວັນທິດ van thid❤️ RedWednesdayFriday
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Practical Usage in Daily Life

  • Monday to Friday - ວັນຈັນຫາວັນສຸກ van chan haa van sook
  • Weekday, normal day - ວັນທໍາມະດາ van thammadaa
  • Weekend - ວັນເສົາອາທິດ van sao aathid
  • Beginning of the week - ຕົ້ນອາທິດ ton aathid
  • End of the week - ທ້າຍອາທິດ thaai aathid
  • Every week - ທຸກໆອາທິດ thookx2 aathid
  • Day off - ວັນພັກ van phak


  • Mondays to Fridays I work - ວັນຈັນຫາວັນສຸກຂ້ອຍເຮັດວຽກ van chan haa van sook khoi hed viak
  • Today is a weekday/normal day - ມື້ນີ້ແມ່ນວັນທໍາມະດາ meunee maen van thammadaa
  • I'm off every weekends - ຂ້ອຍພັກທຸກໆວັນເສົາອາທິດ khoi phak thookx2 van sao aathid

Important Note: "ວັນ van" vs "ມື້ meu"

In Lao, there are two different words for "day":

  • Use "ວັນ van" when talking about days of the week
  • Use "ມື້ meu" when talking about general days, like:
    • Today - ມື້ນີ້ meunee
    • Tomorrow - ມື້ອື່ນ meu-eun
    • Yesterday - ມື້ວານນີ້ meu-vaan-nee

Tips for Remembering

To help memorize the days of the week in Lao:

  • Remember that all days begin with "ວັນ van"
  • Practice them in your daily life!
  • Learn the cultural associations of each day
  • Use flashcards to review them regularly


Now that you've learned the days of the week in Lao, it's time to put your knowledge into action. Not sure where to start? Try creating your own to-do list in Lao - it's a great way to practice and immerse yourself in the Lao language.

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